Case Study

applying the modern pr mix to commercial real estate

Baker Katz is a Houston-based commercial real estate firm specializing in tenant representation and development. Founded in 2004, they have carved out a defining niche in the Southwest region and today the team represents some of the industry’s top national chains.

Baker Katz has been a client of Identity for more than a decade, with an initial focus on media relations strategy and execution. In March 2021, the program expanded to include social media and content as well. From LinkedIn and e-newsletter execution to highly visible media opportunities, our partnership has produced impressive results. 

strategy for success

Identity deployed the following strategies and tactics in order to help Baker Katz achieve success:

media relations

Our media relations program has been driven by proactive story idea generation and pitching, as well as press release announcements of new retail and land deals throughout greater Houston—most recently including the groundbreaking of a 50-acre, 250,000 square-foot retail development, and secured space for several retailers in food & beverage, pet supplies and more. 

Leveraging our media relationships with regional and national trade outlets and publications, we positioned Baker Katz as a leader in retail real estate—resulting in recent feature placements in highly visible outlets including Commerce + Communities Today, Texas Business Minds Podcast, Texas Real Estate Business and many more.

0 k
lifetime media placements
feature stories secured since 2021
0 m+
potential media impressions since 2021

social media

Baker Katz was looking generate more engagement and interaction online to bolster its media relations successes, and our program expanded to include social media in 2021. We have honed in on their LinkedIn presence due to the B2B nature of their firm—training their team, developing a paid & organic social strategy, utilizing LinkedIn Articles, refreshing their Canva templates, recommending video strategy direction and providing live event support. 

+ 0 %
followers yoy
+ 0 k%
engagements yoy
+ 0 k%
post clicks yoy


The Baker Katz email program is an essential touchpoint with industry contacts and an opportunity to share firm news, thought leadership content and deal information. Identity maintains a consistent cadence of emails with two per quarter—one short-form quick update and a longer thought leadership piece with media highlights included.

Through a mix of broker-led additions, the launch of a newsletter sign up pop-up on the website, and LinkedIn advertising, we helped grow the Baker Katz newsletter subscription list by 75% in one year.

newsletters sent
0 %
list growth yoy
0 %
average open rate