Three Reasons Why Video Helps Connect You With Your Audience
By: Nikki Little
Guest post by Julian Bond, social media/marketing manager at the Detroit Medical Center
Last year, YouTube celebrated its five year anniversary. Viewers have been fascinated by the enormous success of YouTube, with companies in particular looking to duplicate its success through their video messaging. Companies are trying to figure out why YouTube, and videos in general, seem to connect more with audiences than traditional marketing collateral.
From my experience with helping to create YouTube content (along with co-producer Dan Fuoco) at the Detroit Medical Center (DMC), here are three reasons why video (particularly on YouTube) helps connect with one’s audience:
1. People like “catchy” videos more than “dull” messaging. This may sound like a “duh” kind of statement, but many companies don’t understand that a catchy and entertaining YouTube video can have more value than a lengthy printed brochure. With our message at the DMC of hand washing safety, we wanted to take a topic that most people would deem as boring and put a fun twist on it by having our employees create a unique dance to help spread the messaging.
“Do The ICU-2” DMC Handwashing Video
2. Viewers like the idea of constant new video content. Consumers appreciate new and unique content from companies. When new content isn’t updated in a timely manner, especially nowadays in the instantaneous digital age, people will get bored very quickly. Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube, which gives people an incentive to visit the site on a regular basis. Instead of just producing our “Handwashing Dance” video and letting that be one of the only main videos on our YouTube channel, we wanted to get into the habit of posting videos at least twice per month to give viewers something to look forward to.
Monday Morning Hustle (Dance + Exercise Fun)
3. Companies have fun making video content…and it shows. I think one of the biggest reasons why videos help connect messaging to one’s audience is because viewers get to see the fun and human side of a company. With our DMC YouTube videos, our goal is to create enjoyable and informative videos that capture one’s attention long enough to get a key message across…while also having fun in the process.
Do you agree that video is a powerful way to connect with an audience? What would you add to my observations about video?
Note: The views and opinions expressed in this post are Julian’s alone and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Detroit Medical Center.
About Julian Bond
Julian Bond is the social media/marketing manager for the Detroit Medical Center, where he helps lead social media efforts and outreach in metro Detroit, Michigan. These efforts include helping develop the DMC blog, DMC social media home site and maintaining the individual Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr sites for the DMC. Offline, Julian enjoys hanging out around metro Detroit, being a big pop culture fan and enjoying a good slice of pizza. Connect with Julian on Twitter at @Julian_Bond.