An “Ex”cellent Response to the FedEx Video Fiasco
By: Identity Team
What started out as a customer service “don’t” for FedEx has turned into a PR “do.”
We’ve all watched—all 9 million of us!—the YouTube video of the FedEx employee carelessly tossing a computer monitor over a gate and on to the lawn of his customer. In case you haven’t, here it is:
Now, watch this response from Senior VP, FedEx Express U.S. Operations Matthew Thornton, III.
I applaud Mr. Thornton and FedEx for publicly responding to this disaster, and in such a timely fashion. Notice the video of the employee was posted on YouTube on December 19, and FedEx posted the response on December 21. I think it’s also worth noting just how many things FedEx did right, from a PR/crisis perspective:
- They immediately took responsibility for the incident and apologized to both the customer and the public, via the same method (YouTube) the disaster was originally broadcast. They never once tried to dodge the incident or ignore it.
- Their apology was sincere.
- They “closed the loop” letting everyone know the issue had been resolved to the customer’s satisfaction and indicating (without risking privacy) that the employee is not working with customers.
- Matthew makes a point to say that the behavior on the video does not represent all FedEx employees and even works in the FedEx motto to remind people what they stand for.
- He also indicates they are using this unfortunate incident as a learning opportunity, letting everyone know they didn’t just sweep it under the rug in hopes it would just go away now.
- And, throughout the video, Matthew is able to work in language about the FedEx brand, how they recognize every delivery is considered special cargo to customers and the importance of earning customers’ trust.
What are your thoughts? Should FedEx have done more, or was this enough to soothe over this wrinkle in the FedEx brand?