Redefining “newsworthy”
By: Andrea Trapani
As Tom has explored in previous posts, news holes continue to shrink as print media advances on its’ slow march towards death. As PR and marketing professionals, we need to redefine what makes a story “newsworthy.” A great hook that may have drawn media attention from all directions six months ago is lucky to get a brief in today’s print news.
For example, one might think that a story about a growing Michigan business that is relocating to the city of Detroit would warrant some press, especially when Mayor Cockrel will be taking part in the ribbon-cutting ceremony and there aren’t exactly growing businesses popping up like daisies around here. However, a local publication recently informed one young pr gal (yours truly) that they are simply too short-staffed to send a photographer, but might be able to run a brief.
Sigh. If it is no longer possible to get a photographer out to a ribbon-cutting (in Detroit!) with the Mayor, what is the new newsworthy?