Visuals Matter — A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
By: Andrea Trapani
Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital recently opened its doors to the media in advance of the hospital’s official opening in March. A truly amazing facility, this hospital boasts a nationally renowned chef, hospital rooms worthy of a five-star hotel and a main street with shops that appear to have been transported from a quaint downtown. The media was impressed, but the star of the day was — a dog.
The hospital is the first in Michigan to own its own therapy dog, aptly named Henry. No one can deny this pooch’s charm, but much of the appeal is that Henry is, well, more photogenic than the doctors. Dr. Kappy, the chief pediatrician at the hospital, was heard lamenting that he needed to keep Henry by his side if anyone was to be interested in the amazing technology and child-centered details that went into the wing’s development.
The lesson in this? First, never try to compete with dogs and small children! More importantly, remember that when the cameras arrive at your door they are expecting a visual that is distinctive and tells your story. Henry supports the hospital’s message that they are a holistic well center as well as a place folks go when they are really sick.
Well done, Henry. If you can even make one sick child smile with a slobbery kiss or a wag of the tail, your 15 minutes of fame were well-deserved.