Video of the Week: No, No, No Cat
By: Nikki Little
If you’ve checked out any of our videos of the week over the past year, it’s pretty obvious that when it comes to videos of animals, we are partial to ridiculously funny cat videos. Let’s be honest – how can you NOT love the many cat videos on YouTube? Cats do the craziest things.
I have to say that out of all the cat videos I’ve ever watched, “no, no, no cat” is my absolute favorite. I laugh so hard that I cry every time I watch this video.
There is no explanation for the sounds coming out of this cat’s mouth, but it definitely sounds like he/she is saying “no” over and over again. It gets faster and more high-pitched as the cat becomes more aggravated. If this were my cat, I’m pretty sure I would find ways to get it to make this noise every day just so I could get a good laugh and add more hilarious cat videos to the Internet.
Happy watching!