Getting Back Up On That Horse
By: Andrea Trapani
…or, “How to Diffuse the Situation When You’ve Become the Butt of an Internet joke.”
David Buckner recently became an Internet sensation, but not in the way many of us would hope. His comical episode on Fox News’ Glen Beck program generated more than 1.5 million views on YouTube in just over a week. But you can’t really blame a guy for passing out, can you?
Doesn’t matter if we can blame him. It was kinda funny, so he became the butt of a much-publicized joke.
So imagine the courage it took for Mr. Buckner to face his fears and climb right back aboard that bucking bronco. A week after his embarrasing appearance, he returned to Glen Beck’s program, showing not only fortitude but a decent sense of self-deprecating humor as well.
Good for you, David. While funny and lighthearted, I can’t help but think that there is a crisis communications lesson to be learned here. Face the music. You can’t shy away from controversy. You mustn’t stick your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Had he done just that, we’d all still be laughing. As it is now, we’re all thinking “Hey, atta boy. Good for him.”
My, how the message can change, depending on how you manage it.