examples of major brands and social media interaction
By: Andrea Trapani
Peter Kim recently posted a rather impressive list (which is still growing with the help of readers) showcasing recognizable companies that have garnered buzz, both positive and negative, through social media. The guide is primarily dominated by blogs, microbloging outreach attempts and social networking sites created by brands such as Apple, Starbucks and McDonalds in an effort to connect directly with their customers. However, there are also examples of user-generated media that directly impacted a brand’s reputation such as the infamous DellHell post and Engadget’s debate with T-Mobile over the use of the color magenta in their logo.
So, what exactly does this mean for b2b and b2c companies who are still “on the fence” about integrating some aspect of social media into their overall communications and marketing program?
The conversations are taking place… with or without you. Content created by the average person can possible impact the appeal of your brand in a huge way. Why not get smart like some of the biggest brands in the world and join in?