Disaster in Denver
By: Andrea Trapani
I don’t really watch much football; it doesn’t interest me. Occasionally I catch a game if my husband has it on. However, when I saw this story about a ref who blew a call in the Broncos/Chargers game last week, I found myself wanting to read about it. What interested me most was the fact that this man was so humbled by his own mistake that he was responding to everyone who e-mailed him with messages of hate (and there were plenty of them!). Not only is he responding to everyone, but he has publicly admitted that his call was wrong. I find this approach to a “disaster” rather refreshing. There are a number of figures in the public who could learn a thing or two from Mr. Hochuli. Many people will probably remember him as “the ref who blew that call in the Chargers/Broncos game back in 2008.” Some of us, however, will remember him for being a stand-up guy.