TIME.com Releases First Annual Blog Index
By: Andrea Trapani
TIME.com has released their first list ranking of the top 25 blogs on the Internet, which you can view here.
There is a pretty impressive melting pot of blog themes throughout the list, from rousing social and political commentary (The Huffington Post) to a breakdown of useful tools and shortcuts for both the Web and the real world (Lifehacker).
I highly recommend taking a minute to browse through Web 2.Oh…really?
This blog is a welcome counter balance to the relentless pom pom waving of folks that cheer anything called Web 2.0. Former Washington Post editor and writer Craig Stoltz trains what appears to be a permanently cocked eyebrow on the use of 2.0 tactics in mainstream websites and poses a heretical question: Is this stuff useful or does it exist simply to please the boss?
We get to see some great, and helpful, insight to the world of Web 2.0 from a different perspective. Less cheer-leading of the practice, more dissection of the movement’s application and its effects on the Web.