What’s On Your Page? Better Yet, Who Is On Your Page?
By: Mark Winter
Oh, social media. Everyday it is something new. A new site, a new blog, a new way of communicating. The popularity of sites like Myspace and Facebook have made it easy for anybody to have their own forum to share whatever they want with the world.
Here lies the question…what exactly is on your social media page and who is reading it?
I have a younger sister who lives on Facebook with 1,000 of her closest friends from school. I imagine there is a ton of content on this site that isn’t meant to be seen by parents or strangers, let alone key decision makers on one’s future.
Do these people realize that their posts, and photos, can be viewed by the world?
Be careful what you post because the growing segment of social media visitors is…potential employers.
I met with a client yesterday that told he was visiting potential interns’ Myspace pages prior to their interviews. Yikes! Let’s hope those people were smart enough to know that the Internet is a public domain. It just goes to show, you never know who is reading your page.