“Web site” vs. “website”
By: Andrea Trapani
AP Style Book Issues Clarification on “Web Site” Usage
Not nearly as old as the “chicken or the egg” question, the debate over the proper usage of “Web site” or “website” has however plagued PR practitioners, journalists and copywriters for years.
At Identity, it has historically been our position to adopt AP style guidelines when writing for news and media, as well as ourĀ “default” guideline on usage, but deferring to client preference or specific industry standard when writing copy for brochures, Web sites (er, websites) or other collateral material.
Now, AP has done us all a favor and made it official:
“Website” seemed to be most intuitive to our clients, but it was heretofore technically incorrect. Now that AP has updated its style guidelines, Identity is officially changing with it. Going forward, Identity will adopt “website” as the accepted usage in all news, print or online communications. We will begin switching our existing communications over ASAP, and we urge you to do the same. As we move forward together, you will see “website” in the written word for all that we do, and “Web site” will go the way of the dodo.