VIDEO: Facebook Revamps News Feed, Reactions from Detroit Free Press’ Mark W. Smith
By: Nikki Little
Oh dearest Facebook, how we love to hate thee. You are so fond of making sudden changes that disrupt the lives of your beloved users, causing them to go wild with protests on every existing social network, including your own. How dare you up and change your platform on us whenever the heck you feel like it!
Can you tell I’m purposely being dramatic? If not, well I am!
If you’ve logged on to Facebook today, you noticed there are some interesting changes to the news feed, such as a real time news ticker in the right corner and the option to note which friends’ stories are important to you, amongst others.
Of course, Facebook’s changes have caused a huge uproar all across the Interwebz, which is exactly what happens every time developers make a change on the platform. The news ticker is definitely distracting, and I get the sense that it’s Facebook’s way of trying to make people spend even more time than they already do on the site. If you really can’t stand the news ticker, here are seven ways (some serious, some sarcastic) to kill that annoying news ticker (hat tip to Scott Monty for sharing on Facebook).
I reached out to Mark W. Smith, Web editor and technology columnist at the Detroit Free Press, to get his take on all the changes. Apologies for the small video and desktop shot, but I was experimenting with Screenflow for the first time and Skype was being difficult and not letting me enlarge the screen!
What are your thoughts on the Facebook changes? Like them, love them, or don’t really care?