Right on pitch
By: Andrea Trapani
Twice each month, the Identity account team meets to discuss all things account management, including brainstorming, Web 2.0, new tricks and tips, etc. While educational and informational, those sessions sometimes leave my brain fried trying to find ways to incorporate the latest, greatest Web 2.0 trick into my daily routine and figure how it applies to my clients. Today it’s twitter, tomorrow something else…how can anyone really stay ahead? How can we stand out from those with more resources or greater tech savvy?
I love Facebook, and most times I even love blogging. I think it’s amazing where we have come from just a year ago in the Web 2.0 world, and I am thoroughly excited to see where we’re headed. But sometimes, in our rush to the next thing, it’s easy to forget the basics.
This week, at our account team session we talked relationships and pitching – both are pr basics and really at the core of what we do. Some of what we discussed was elementary, but provided a great refresher for the seasoned and important lessons for those just starting out. Some were best practices, tricks or little tidbits. Either way, it was easily one of the most helpful and insightful meetings I’ve been to in a while.
In our rush to find the latest and greatest new Web 2.0 tool, sometimes we forget to fine-tune those foundational skills. Strong relationships, solid, researched writing, and well-defined messages are at the core of what we do as public relations practitioners, and today, in an ever-changing and increasingly Web 2.0 business world, those constants continue to make the difference.