re: turning up the marketing heat
By: Andrea Trapani
Contrast that with the Detroit Pistons’ marketing efforts, for example. Palace Sports and Entertainment launched an aggressive marketing strategy when times were tough — right about the time that Joe Dumars assumed control of basketball operations. The strategy involved branding/identity (Goin’ to Work, reverting to traditional team logo and colors), customer attraction/retention (lower ticket prices, ongoing specials), customer experience at the games themselves (you have to be there to know it), and so on, throughout every facet of the organization. When the Pistons were winning a championship years later, and ever since, this strategy has never waned. In fact, playoff tickets were lowered this year, despite the fact that the team is in contention to make the finals again. I’d say PS&E gets it…be proactive, be consistent, be dogged in your marketing efforts…in good times and in bad.