PR Grads finding work prospects difficult
By: Andrea Trapani
It’s not a surprise that a report by PRSA found that work prospects for PR students out of college are slim. Across the board and in most industries it’s the same story. Even so, there are a ton of great opportunities for pre- and post-college grads right now.
In our industry, its been the norm to have two or three internships prior to being hired full time. And if you’ve been there done that, so what? PR grads can more easily find another internship than an entry-level job right now. And even with a degree, an internship can be invaluable. Proving yourself in your internship can most certainly lead to getting hired for the long term or building your resume up for when the right job does come along.
Another great way to make your way into the PR field, is to (duh) publicize yourself! In this Wall Street Journal article, Elizabeth Garone discusses where to start to make a social media name for yourself, including “Claiming your name, practicing prudence and choosing connections wisely.” Social media of today can (and should) be more strategic that just following or “friending” everyone. Social media search engines and meet and greets (known as Tweetups in the Twitter world) are great ways to get your name out there and make yourself known in the industry.
Finally, make and use your relationships. It’s the golden rule of most industries, but in PR especially. Relationships with reporters, local influencers and decision-makers, and business owners can all be integral to your success in this industry and to getting a J-O-B.