One Important Piece of Advice For 2011
By: Nikki Little
I’ve been mapping out a post in my head for the past few days about the top (insert number here) promises PR professionals should make and keep in 2011. Then I nixed it. There’s enough good advice about New Year’s promises, goals and resolutions floating around the Web. You don’t need another one.
Instead, I want to offer you one piece of advice that I hope you will carry with you in 2011 and beyond:
Consistently do great work.
Etch that in your memory and apply it to whatever it is you want to achieve.
Great work doesn’t only relate to your professional life. Say you want to be more organized in 2011. Keeping the email in your inbox at a manageable amount, keeping your desk clean and using folders, files and/or apps like Evernote means you’re doing great work. If you want to stay in better contact with friends and family, communicating with them (via whichever method works best for each person) on a weekly basis means you’re doing great work. Or, if you’re determined to learn how to paint, and you take classes and dedicate a set amount of hours to painting every week, you’re doing great work.
The “do great work mantra” is drilled into our heads at Identity, and I’m very thankful for this. It’s helped me in my progression as an individual and professional this year, and I hope it does the same for you. Now, go forth and churn out as much great work as you can in 2011!
Sidenote: Thanks kindly to everyone who has read our posts, commented and shared them on the social Web this year! We have plans to continue building our blogging presence in 2011, so come back soon and often. And please consider subscribing through RSS or e-mail if you currently don’t.
From the entire Identity team, we wish you a very happy, safe and healthy New Year!