Not Yet Twitter-Ready… Take Heart
By: Andrea Trapani
If you have read any of Brandon’s posts, you quickly realize that he is a member of the twitterati — the faithful and devoted followers of Twitter. Twitter is, in my opinion, Web 2.0 on steroids. Very demanding (does anyone really care what I’m doing every minute?), yet with the potential of reaching extraordinary numbers of readers who you would never encounter in your daily routine.
I am, as one of the — ahem — older members of the Identity team, less enthused about Twitter than I am about other Web 2.0 applications. This is a shameful secret that I have kept to myself. After reading one of my favorite columnists, Lev Grossman of TIME, I have come to hope that I am one of a growing number of Twitter dissidents. Grossman admitted that he is abandoning Twitter for, as he writes, “the un-Twittered life is still worth living.” Take a look at the article if you need validation for your un-Twittered life or a needed escape from the twitterati.