My Personal Marketing Thank-Yous
By: Andrea Trapani
Thanksgiving is here…time to give thanks:
For innovative technology that strives daily to make my life easier, more robust and professionally fulfilling. (e.g., Tweetdeck, Netvibes, Vocus, HARO, PR Newswire, and more.)
For companies who put strategy before tactics when developing marketing programs.
For talented and inspiring coworkers.
For clients who entrust a very precious asset—reputation—to me and my company.
For newspapers and magazines that continue to evolve (online) while maintaining “the good fight” to keep the print medium alive and relevant.
For emerging marketing disciplines that keep me coming back for more each and every day, such as social media and digital marketing.
For my industry counterparts, who generate and elevate compelling content and captivating storytelling, which fuels my competitive fire and provides constant inspiration.
For companies like Facebook, that never settle for “just so”…continuing to stretch the boundaries of what is possible.
For Mashable, keeping me informed and growing as a marketing professional.
For small companies, who want to be bigger…and for big companies, who want to be smarter.
For Apple…keep the gorgeous geek gadgetry coming!
For brands. May each one be a challenge…may each one leave a mark.
For family and friends. May we all have many.