Most Annoying Press Release Words & Phrases
By: Identity Team recently asked Facebook readers to share their least favorite words, and it got me thinking. It was fun to see what people randomly noted as words that “basically” annoy them (yes, basically is on the list).
While my least favorite word was not among them (I hate when people say “amongst”), there were several on the list that also annoy my coworkers: moist, irregardless and another one of my own pet peeves, LOL.
I thought it would be fun to ask you, our blog readers, for words (or phrases) you refuse to put into press releases simply because they annoy you or they’re overused. I’ll get you started with a few suggestions from the Identity team:
“…is pleased to announce…” – Pretty sure you wouldn’t be making an announcement if you weren’t pleased!
“…most unique…” – Unique stands alone. It doesn’t need a modifier.
“synergy,” “drive,” “strategic” – Overused. Overused. And, overused.
Please comment and add your own! I know there are plenty more where these came from.