Microsoft’s New “Everyone is a PC” Ad Revamps the Company’s Image
By: Mark Winter
Working at Identity for nearly two years has pretty much turned me into a “brand evangelist” on behalf of Apple. However, while I have a relatively new found love for everything with an “i” in front of it, I use a PC laptop at home. The difference: while the laptop gets the job done just like my iMac, I’ve just never been excited about owning it. In my opinion as a consumer, Microsoft hasn’t tried to position their products the same way as Apple, so my interest in all things PC has never really been piqued. I purchased my laptop simply out of the fear that down the road, some document wouldn’t be compatible with my glorious iMac. For a long time, I viewed Microsoft as some “all-seeing and all-knowing entity that is everywhere in the computer world,” not a brand that makes me want to show off their products. There was just a lack of passion in our relationship.
Things recently changed since the announcement that Jerry Seinfeld would be working with Bill Gates to help revamp Microsoft’s image with a new $300 million ad campaign. I wondered, could this change my perception of the company and make me feel good about owning a PC?
What followed were two ads that relied on fast quips and jokes about nothing, instead of focusing on reconnecting with the world’s computer users.
I was confused. ” What the heck did I just see? Why is Bill Gates doing the robot the only thing I can remember?” It seemed like this campaign was destined to be a big, fat FAIL.
But, last night I saw a tweet from Steven Rubel declaring Microsoft’s latest Jerry Seinfeld-less ad “genius.” It made me want to watch, so I did.
I felt a connection. I felt passion. I was reminded that PC users are everywhere, and that some have beards. While I still love my iMac, I now respect my PC a bit more because I know there a significant number of people out there, some with beards, who love using them.
What do you think? Did this ad strike a cord with you, or did it fall flat?