Made in the USA
By: Mark Winter
In a symbolic gesture of the company’s commitment to Michigan and the United States, GM recently announced that it would make its new Chevy Volt battery packs in Michigan. After a tough couple of months in the national spotlight, GM’s renewed commitment to Michigan may be the start of something big.
For years, globalization has taken center stage. Business classes have taught its virtues and corporations have preached its value to the consumer. Cheaper labor, enhanced market share and bigger, better, faster ruled the American business. But now, the perfect storm is taking place. The credit crisis, recurring recalls for goods made overseas and job losses have created an overall shift in American’s view of globalization. Last year’s green movement is transforming into this year’s American made movement. After all, sustainability is in part about utilizing local goods and services.
websites dedicated to products made in the U.S. are numerous, articles dedicated to buying locally abound and laid-off workers are speaking out about the effects globalization has had on their families and communities. After years of pro-globalization sentiment, the tables are turning.
The companies that revolutionized the automobile and made Detroit a powerhouse city, may yet have their day again. No doubt there are huge issues to overcome and no one is denying they have made mistakes, but a renewed commitment to the local economy is a start in renewing consumer trust and faith, and maybe a brand.