How To Handle A Controversy
By: Andrea Trapani
Lost in the midst of all of the hootin’ ahd hollerin’ surrounding Jim Joyce’s blown call last night (see Tom’s post below if you need clarification) is an important lesson on how to handle a controversial issue.
With the BP oil spill and discussions about how poorly they and their chief executive have handled communicating with the public on the issue serving as the backdrop, it’s useful to juxtapose that with a look at how everyone involved in the “perfect crime” as many are calling it, have handled things. Everyone from Tiger’s manager Jim Leyland to the pitcher Armando Galarraga to Jim Joyce himself, have handled it the RIGHT way. And what is that? Stand up to the situation and don’t hide behind “no comments”, admit that mistakes are made and live up to any that you own, and use the experience and your response to it to serve as a model for others.