By: Andrea Trapani
Add this to what I consider to be a long list of missteps for the Pepsi family of brands.
Gatorade is now “G”? Really? This is what passes for brand repositioning these days?
Maybe this is a “nickname,” like “M” or “4.” I’m not really sure. What I am sure of is this is clearly an attempt at buzz marketing. Many (at least those paying attention) are talking about Gatorade. A well-produced and well-placed ad during the Super Bowl certainly helped in that regard.
But I don’t get it, to be honest. The Gatorade brand falls just sort of being a “Kleenex” or “Q-Tip” type of brand. Not only that, the name actually means something, and has a very interesting heritage tied to considerable equity in the name itself. Everyone knows the brand, and relates to it. There is no substitute, just imitators. Why deviate from that? Why (excuse the pun) water down that message? What is to be gained? Are they pursuing the “hip” factor? Are the brains behind all of this Pepsi rebranding being too clever by half?
And why G? I thought perhaps GM would’ve reserved that, as they move out of the Motors game and just become “General.”
Not to mention, the new G brand is just plain snoozeville, Lil Wayne notwithstanding.