Detroiter 2.0
By: Mark Winter
The new social networking site of the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, detroiteronline.com, just launched, and it’s a pretty ambitious departure from the Chamber’s previous site. While the Chamber’s site remains live, this new Web 2.0 space complements the Chamber’s existing online presence in new and interesting ways.
It’s Web 2.0 in virtually every way. The site aims to become an online community for businesses and professionals throughout southeastern Michigan in a way that no other site does to date. What’s interesting is that Chamber members can post content themselves, including helpful “how-to” articles, upcoming calendar events, blogging and message boards, and much more.
I applaud the Chamber’s approach, strategy and initiative. It will be interesting to see if other such communities pop up, either in our area or in other major cities across the country. And it will also be interesting to see if local professionals embrace the concept and really engage in the process. They should. This appears to be where the Internet is heading and not looking back.