Charity Tweetups
By: Nikki Little
The folks @identitypr particpated in a very interesting kind of Tweetup last night, a Tweetup specifically designed to raise money for a local charity, the Live to Give Foundation. (Great guys…great cause, btw.)
This Charity Tweetup was organized by our own Brandon Chesnutt. (Kudos, BC). With a small grassroots-style organizational effort, the Tweetup was able to raise north of $1,500, well in excess of our modest expectations (in just a matter of mere weeks). What was interesting was the way that companies and individuals sponsored the event. For each attendee that showed up, a number of sponsors each pledged $1. In total, there were six such sponsors…if 100 people were to show up (as did, and then some), that would be an easy $600 for the charity.
Imagine this on a larger scale. If you were able to organize an event with 200 attendees, and get 20 such sponsors, the individual outlay from each corporate sponsor would be minimal, but you would manage to raise $4,00o. (Right? Math was never my game.) Bring 500 attendees and get each sponsor to pledge $2, and now you’re talking real money.
Great idea. And great times were had by all last night. At the end of the day, this was still a Tweetup, so it was a win-win-win for all involved. I expect to see much more of this type of thing locally and across the country.
Thanks to event sponsors:
C! Tech Solutions – @ctechsinc
Twitart – @twitartdotcom
Video coming soon…