3 Reasons Your Hotel’s TripAdvisor Reviews Belong on Social Media
By: Kaitlyn Jerolamon
TripAdvisor reviews can be one of the strongest social media tools for hotels, yet most properties don’t capitalize on the never-ending collection of relevant reviews. In many cases, these influential endorsements only live within a hotel’s TripAdvisor profile and are rarely promoted across other digital platforms.
Why tell potential travelers that they should stay with you when your former and repeat guests can do it for you? Here are three impactful reasons why hotel TripAdvisor reviews should be leveraged across social media channels:
Control Your Reputation
Posting reviews to your hotel’s social channels gives you the opportunity to amplify your message and promote your property. TripAdvisor reports 77 percent of travelers usually or always reference online reviews before choosing a hotel. Use this statistic to your advantage! Hoteliers should set aside 5-10 minutes each day to sift through their property’s TripAdvisor reviews, saving the best for future social media posts. By posting them to your social channels, you’re optimizing the best feedback and giving your good reputation the spotlight it deserves.
Virgin Hotels is extremely well-versed in utilizing TripAdvisor reviews on their social channels. They went so far as to turn one of their best reviews into an animated video. Cool, right? If you’re feeling design challenged (like me, admittedly!) and want to stick to the basics, posting a photo will work just fine. Try steering away from posting plain text on Facebook, as adding images to Facebook posts gains 2.3 times more engagements. Post a professional, well-lit photo of a guest room with the review copy and a call-to-action:
“The beds were super comfortable and the room was very clean. I would definitely stay at this hotel again.” -@KJerolamon, TripAdvisor. Visit our website to book your stay with us today!
The review and attribution will make your future guests aware of your TripAdvisor page and could possibly spark interest for a former guest to leave a review if they haven’t done so already.
Increase Your Call-to-Action
Facebook already offers a nifty call-to-action button for Business Pages, located on the cover photo. Hopefully, your property is already be utilizing the Book Now button. Use your TripAdvisor reviews to reinforce this call-to-action, whether you’re directing guests to use the actual Book Now button on your Facebook Business Page, or directing them to your website’s booking agent.
Leverage Your Social Footprint
Although it may seem redundant, posting your TripAdvisor reviews on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will leverage your property’s content. Try these methods, all with their own twist, on your various social channels:
- Facebook: Post a photo of your property with the review copy and a URL linking back to your website or booking agent.
- Twitter: Post the review copy as plain text, linking to your hotel’s TripAdvisor page (include an image if you can stay below the character limit).
- Instagram: Let the photo do all the talking. Get fancy and test out different editing tools and apps to overlay the review copy on the photo. Add hashtags relevant to hotels and traveling to the photo’s caption to fully optimize your presence.
Do you already leverage your property’s reviews on social media? Share your tips in the comments!
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