Web 2.0 Winners and Losers
By: Mark Winter
I’m quite sure it’s premature to pick winners and losers in the competition for our social networking time and interest, but it’s interesting to watch. I don’t know how others are scoring it, but it seems clear to me that Facebook is jumping out to a commanding lead, leaving similar sites such as MySpace in its dust. This is based solely on anecdotal evidence and personal experience, and, I would guess, is largely generational.
Meanwhile, Twitter is the new kid on the block who is getting all the fresh praise and attention, and other microblogging sites are rushing in to compete. LinkedIn seems to have carved for itself a solid niche in the professional peer-to-peer arena.
I’d be interested to hear what others think. Not so much what is the newest-latest in Web 2.0, though I’m interested in that as well, but moreso, who is winning in this arena, or who is taking a commanding lead?