Cooper, Adel & Associates’ Mitch Adel Achieves National Elder Law Specialist Certification
By: Luke Capizzo
Adel one of just 21 certified elder law attorneys (CELAs) in Ohio
CENTERBURG, Ohio, October 3, 2013 – Elder law firm Cooper, Adel & Associates announced today that Managing Partner Mitch Adel completed the rigorous process to become one of only 21 attorneys in Ohio certified as elder law attorneys (CELAs) by The National Elder Law Foundation (NELF). Founding Partner and Certified Elder Law Attorney, Thom L. Cooper, made the announcement.
“I am incredibly proud of Mitch’s accomplishment and drive to further his knowledge and expertise in the area of elder law,” Cooper said. “For years, Mitch has been recognized throughout Ohio as a leader in elder law, working with seniors and their families to protect their assets from state and federal taxes, unnecessary court costs and catastrophic health care expenses.”
Attorney Adel joins a rich tradition of elder law attorneys who have been certified by NELF. In 1993, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys assisted in forming NELF, the only national certifying program for elder law and special needs attorneys. NELF is approved by the Ohio Commission on Certification of Attorneys as Specialists and by the American Bar Association. The certification process includes a rigorous examination as well as peer endorsements and demonstration of on-going involvement in the practice of elder law. Once certified, CELAs are required to apply for recertification every five years, demonstrating that their practice is primarily elder law and that they have completed continuing education specifically targeted to advanced practitioners.
A licensed attorney for more than 12 years, Adel earned his undergraduate degree from Ithaca College in New York and his Juris Doctorate from Capital Law School. He is also among a select group of attorneys in the State of Ohio who have been admitted to practice before the United State Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Attorney Adel is a member of the American Association of Trust, Estate and Elder Law Attorneys (AATEELA), an invitation-only nationwide professional association as well as the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Attorney Adel has provided educational seminars to seniors and their families throughout Ohio. He has also been a guest on 610 WTVN Local News and has written articles for USA Today, the Cincinnati Enquirer and Columbus Business First. Attorney Adel is a frequent contributor to Our Generations Magazine, Senior Outlook Today and
Mitch Adel (Click to download high-res version)
Cooper, Adel & Associates is a trusted counselor, protecting hundreds of seniors from unnecessary taxes and legal expenses, as well as the devastating costs of catastrophic illness and nursing home care. With 8 attorneys and 35 employees and offices in Centerburg, Monroe, Sidney, and Wilmington, Ohio; Cooper, Adel & Associates has clients statewide and offers regular seminars to educate seniors on critical financial issues. For more information, visit
CONTACT: Luke Capizzo