Erin Sabo Lends Her Writer’s Block Tips to
By: Jennifer Carey
This excerpt is a blog post written by Erin Sabo and featured on
As an English major in college, I spent a good portion of my time writing papers. Papers about books I’d read, how strange my family is, Disney World, why pre-1600 literature is riddled with sexual innuendo. You name it, there is a good chance I wrote a paper about it.
One would think that with that many written projects under my belt, writing would come naturally to me by now. To some extent, that’s true. Unfortunately, I don’t write as often as I used to, so I’ve definitely gotten rusty. In the midst of the day-to-day distractions, the dreaded mental incapacitation that plagues so many seeks—writer’s block.
Whether it’s a press release, website copy, internal communications letters or a blog post, I have found that many of my old tricks to beat writer’s block are as effective as ever.
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